And then there was total silence.

And it started all over again. "Obama! Obama! Obama!..."
Barrack Obama victory comes in its own terms. It was strategic. It is symbolic.
History was made today, in the form of a man. A man with a dream. A dream to change the world.
Now imagine, the clean air, the wind mill, the green cars, citizen groups, the ending of a war, the earth healed...Imagine what our life would be like. Imagine being an American today. Because everyone wants to be an American today. Everyone wants to feel that elated feeling of knowing that your country, that was hated by the world, is now in for a change. Everyone wants a bite of that freedom feeling.
Because everyone knows that future that this man talked about...the changes that he kept on ranting about...the difference he'll make...IS coming!
"Even as we celebrate tonight we know that the challenges tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime: two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century,” Obama told a crowd of more than 100,000 in Chicago’s Grant Park.
We are all behind you.
Change we need.
Change we believe in.