People who are offended by such simple blogs are either new to the internet world or just plain thick.
Everyone has their own right to write what they want. But it is your own choice whether to read it or not. And please note that in the blogging world, people write what's on their mind. So sometimes that smiling person who talked shit behind your back may write that shit on his/her blog. So read at your own risk.
I'm not just talking about my blogs or my friends', but all of the blogs out there.
And btw, it's not illegal to write fictional stories. It is, HOWEVER, illegal to write false statement. But there are differences between fictional and fake.
So now what? Are you and your superhuman crew going to round up every blogger and shut us up?
Yes, ignorance is bliss, isn't it?
But seriously, if you just keep it quiet, no one would know. It's like a mosquito bite. The more you scratch it, the more it'll spread.
Yeah, so throw kerosene at our blogs and light it up. It'll burn, yes, but people will look at it before the fire goes out.
So stop whining.
It's your call.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Shame on Humanity

38 people saw the murder and didn't call the police. It didn't just happened yesterday, but still, how messed up are we?
13th March, 1964.
New York.
Raped. Tortured. Killed. Right there. Just outside her apartment building. 30-something people heard her scream and saw her agony; saw evil. Nobody did anything. Some even watch. Do you understand what I just typed down? SOME WERE EVEN THERE TO WATCH!
13th March 2009, next week, would be the 45th year of Kitty Genovese death. May all criminals, rapers, murderers and all you sons of the devil out there rot in hell and feel the same pain as Ms. Genovese did. That, but times infinity. Because human should be forgiven. Rabid dogs should be killed. And to all the people who saw but didn't do anything, may you deserve the same fate.
I'm not just talking about the death of Kitty Genovese, but some other as well.
Look at the world today.
Wars are raging. But are people doing anything about it? No. Children are kidnapped and turned into soldiers, slaves and even prostitutes. Wives beaten to death by husbands. Minors have their rights taken away from them. Kids grow up without knowing who their parents really are. Mutilations. Tortures. Murders. People with powers doing nothing.
If a cat is seen like all cats. Then I guess, in the face of God, a human is seen as all of humanity. If that is so (and I hope not), then I am ashamed of being human.
Shame on you.
And shame on us.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

For the first time of my life, I like myself. I like the way I look. I like how I feel. I like the choices I made. I've learned to let go. And for the first time in my life, I don't give a fuck!
I'd love it if you would hit me as hard as you can...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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