The exams are over.
The holiday's here (um, no, I'm not rhyming here).
I got two articles published; one in NST, another one in the school's Yearbook (okay, next year's).
I bought the coolest Giordano shirt.
I watched Quantum of Solace before everyone else (although the movie did sucked).
I ended the school year with a lot of people liking me than at the start of the year.
I'm single again.
I gave a lot of people gifts.
My best friend is getting married.
My English teacher thought that I am such a poet.
America got a new president.
I got a lot of time for myself.
My sis will be going to University.
And I'm going overseas again this holiday.
I already chose a college that I want to go to.
I thought it could be so simple.
I mean, life should be that simple.
The situation, the possibilities; they're waiting.
But now it felt like I made a mess.
It is as simple as it seems.
But if it is as simple as I thought it'd be...
Why am I not happy?
(again, not rhyming here)
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